Wednesday 10 June 2015

Lumigan eye drop side effects on your eyes health

Lumigan is a medication for high pressured eyes, which result into dehydration of the eyes water. This medication helps to lower the pressure and maintain the level of hydration that it needs by the eyes, bit unfortunately there have been a lot of side effects of this medication reported. So if you are planning out to use lumigan, then it is important to know about its side effects. Here in this article, you can get complete knowledge of lumigan and its side effects.

Below is the list of some of the side effects of lumigan:

  • If you are going to any of the allergic reaction due to the use of lumigan solution, like difficulty in breathing, hives, swelling in the tongue, face, lips or throat, then immediately contact your health care provider. If you observe any of such changes, then simply don't ignore it, as it can have hazardous results on your health. 

  • If you notice any redness, itching, swelling or pain around your eyes they stop the usage of this medication. You should also stop its application if you notice any discharge from your eye, oozing, change in vision, increased in the sensitivity to the light. Use sunglasses while you are getting treated for these symptoms to help you keep your eyes away from excess sunlight. You all know that eyes are an important part of our health, so we need to keep our eyes healthy.

  • It may also cause great changes in the appearance or the color of your eyes, eyelashes or eyelids. Even though these changes will occur slowly and you will be able to notice it after a few months or may be a year. But unfortunately, these changes in the color and the appearance of the eyes can be permanent and it only occurs in the eyes, which is getting the treatment. This will bring about noticeable changes from one eye to the other. 

  • One of the common side effects that are related to lumigan is the redness of the eyes and the long eyelashes growth. This side effects of the growth in the length of the eyelashes, have given raise to one more medication, which is known as Latisse. And if are using Latisse for purpose, and then make sure to know about its side effects as well. 

  • Reports are not cleared about the reaction of Bimatoprost ophthalmic solution to any other liquid used in the eyes or any other drugs taken orally or injected to the patients. But it is still recommended that you let your health care provider known about any other liquid solution or any drugs that you are taking currently. So that he can be sure of prescribing you lumigan for the proper treatment of your eyes. You should also let your doctor know above any over-the-counter medicines, herbal products or vitamins pills taken by you, to avoid any you of side effects.

If you still have confusion about the side effects related to this medication, then talk to your doctor and he will help you clear your doubts related to the usage of lumigan.


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